Keep your Heart Strong

You can Keep your Heart healthy and strong by following the tips mentioned below and do tell us about your experiences.
How to keep your heart strong:
1. Be sweet. Instead of chocolate, try blueberries or strawberries. These heart-healthy treats are filled with natural antioxidants that can help keep your arteries open.
2. Move to the beat. Grab a partner and do some fancy footwork. Any activity that gets you moving — like dancing or walking — can help increase blood circulation, reduce stress and protect your heart.
3. Do your thing. Activities like painting, writing, yoga and meditation can help slow your heart and breathing rates and lower your blood pressure, all of which are good for your body and your heart.
4. Avoid tobacco. If you smoke, join a tobacco-cessation program to help you quit, and talk to your doctor about medications that can help increase your chances of kicking the habit. If you don’t smoke, avoiding secondhand smoke may also help protect your heart, lungs and blood vessels.
5. Maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, losing as little as 10 pounds can make a difference and lower your risk of heart problems.
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